Healthcare Content Modeling 101

Healthcare Content Modeling 101



In collaboration with healthcare content specialists Conteir, Enonic presents Healthcare Content Modeling 101. A comprehensive guide to how your organization can structure and synergize healthcare data for web editors and content directors.

First you will get a general overview of content modeling and its purpose. Then we will dive into details and specifics involving content types, input fields, model synergy, CMS implementation, and more.

Vegard OttervigAbout the author

Vegard Ottervig

Vegard Hovland Ottervig holds a Master's degree in film studies and has worked with journalism and marketing since 2010. He loves cycling, philosophy, gaming, and writing.

Chapter 1

About the Guide

Importance of Structured Content in Healthcare Organizations

In our digital age, healthcare organizations face the challenge of managing an ever-growing volume of information. Content editors play a crucial role in ensuring that their organization’s clinical content is accurate and easily accessible. In the highly regulated and constantly evolving healthcare industry, this is a daunting task.

Structured content is a powerful approach to managing complex information. It allows organizations to create, store, share, and last, but not least, reuse content in a consistent and organized manner. Implementing a structured content model gives healthcare organizations several benefits. It will improve efficiency, enhance the user experience, and maintain regulatory compliance, all while reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Objectives of the Guide

This guide, “Healthcare Content Modeling 101,” provides content editors with the best practices for setting up a structured content model in their organization. The guide covers:

  • The basics of content modeling and its benefits in a healthcare setting
  • Identifying required content types and defining input fields for each type
  • Building synergetic content models that promote reuse and relationships
  • Implementing the content model in a content management system (CMS)
  • Gearing content for search engine optimization (SEO) and accessibility
  • Measuring the success of your content model and making improvements

Scope and Limitations (Non-sensitive Data)

This guide will focus on clinical data and content commonly found on healthcare websites and apps. These include clinical guidelines, recommendations, research summaries, hearings, drug information, subsidies, news articles, event listings, and staff profiles.

We will not address sensitive information, such as patient records, personal health information (PHI), or other confidential data. For those use cases we recommend looking into established and standardized information models like HL7 FHIR.

Keep in mind that every organization is unique and specific needs may vary. Use the principles and practices outlined in this guide as a starting point. Always consider your organization’s unique requirements, goals, and constraints when implementing a content model.

Chapter 2

Overview of Content Modeling

Construction Worker Blueprint Architect Model

Definition of Content Modeling

Content modeling specifies the attributes, relationships, and structure of a given body of content.

In our context, this means identifying reusable content types, and determining their own input fields and attributes. It also establishes the relationships between the different types. A well-designed content model enables creators to rapidly and efficiently create, manage, display, and reuse content, while ensuring consistency and ease of maintenance.

Benefits of Content Modeling in Healthcare

Implementing a structured content model in healthcare organizations offers several advantages:

  • Consistency: By defining content types with common attributes, content will be created and displayed consistently across various channels
  • Scalability: A structured content model lets you expand and adapt your content as your needs evolve, without compromising the quality
  • Reuse: Content reuse reduces the time and effort required to create new content and mitigates the risk of duplicate or inconsistent information
  • Searchability: Improving the categorization of your content makes it easier for professional and private users to find relevant information
  • Compliance: Healthcare organizations are subject to strict regulations of clinical information management. Content modeling helps ensure that the content is accurate, up-to-date, and compliant
  • UX: A consistent, organized, and accessible content structure improves the overall user experience and increases engagement and satisfaction

Key Concepts and Terminology

Before diving into the details of content modeling, it’s important to familiarize yourself with some key concepts and terminology:

  • Content type: A content type is a reusable template that defines a specific category of content. Examples are news articles, guidelines, and staff profiles. Each content type has a specific set of input fields that determine the information that can be entered and displayed
  • Input field: An input field is a predefined area within a content type. Here content creators can enter specific types of data. Examples include text, images, dates, codes, geodata, or even references other content types
  • Relationship: In content modeling, relationships refer to the connections between different content types or items. This includes linking an article to its author, or associating a recommendation with related resources
  • Content management system (CMS): A CMS is a software application that allows users to create, manage, and display content through a graphical user interface. Content models are typically implemented within a CMS to facilitate content creation and management
  • Metadata: Metadata is additional information about a content item that helps categorize, organize, and describe it. Examples of metadata include tags, categories, and author information
  • Taxonomy: A taxonomy is a terminology system used to organize and categorize content items. Examples in healthcare are SNOMED CT and ICD. Taxonomies can help users find relevant content by grouping related items together

Chapter 3

Identifying Content Types

Microscope Woman Doctor Identify

Determining Content Requirements for Your Organization

Before you can create a content model, you must first identify the content types you need. Start by auditing your existing content. Then consult with various stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations. These can include content creators, subject matter experts, and end users. Consider the following questions:

  • What types of content does your organization currently create or plan to create?
  • What are the goals and objectives of your content strategy?
  • Are there any specific regulatory requirements that your content must meet?
  • How do users interact with your content, and what are their needs and preferences?

Examples of Common Content Types in Healthcare

Here are examples of content types commonly found in healthcare organizations. Use them as a starting point for developing your own content model:

  • Clinical guidelines: Evidence-based recommendations for diagnosing, treating, and managing specific health conditions, derived from research or expert consensus
  • Research summaries: Brief, plain summaries of medical research findings or clinical trial results. They also highlight key takeaways and implications for healthcare providers and patients
  • Event listings: Information on upcoming conferences, workshops, webinars, or other events relevant to healthcare professionals or patients. Data includes date, time, location, and registration details
  • Staff profiles: Biographical and professional information about healthcare providers, researchers, or other staff members. Data points may include education, credentials, areas of expertise, and contact information
  • Articles: Piece of writing that covers discussions, developments, announcements, or updates in the healthcare industry. The latter includes research, treatments, regulatory changes, and public health initiatives
  • Concept definitions: Clear explanations of medical terms, concepts, and procedures. Intended to remind healthcare professionals and educate patients
  • Drugs: Detailed information on medications. This includes their indications, contraindications, dosages, side effects, and interactions with other drugs. Intended for both healthcare professionals and patients
  • Professional advice: Expert guidance on various healthcare topics, such as best practices for patient care, disease prevention, or treatment options
  • Hearings: Information on public or regulatory hearings related to healthcare policy, legislation, or ethical concerns. They can include summaries of testimonies, findings, and outcomes
  • Indications: Descriptions of medical conditions or symptoms for which a specific treatment, medication, or intervention is recommended or approved
  • Legal texts: Documents outlining healthcare-related laws, regulations, or guidelines that govern the practice of medicine, patient privacy, and other aspects of healthcare delivery
  • Proceedings: Information on strategies, policies, or initiatives implemented at the national level to address specific healthcare challenges or goals. Examples can be improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, or increasing access to care. These may include details on the objectives, target populations, key stakeholders, and timelines for implementation and evaluation
  • Subsidies: Information on financial assistance programs or grants available to patients or healthcare providers for medical treatments, research, or continued education

Another common content type is the page. This is a blank canvas where you for instance can display a list of news articles or subsume a multi-step process in a guideline.

Overall, these content types—or the ideas they inspire—can serve as the foundation for your content model.

Custom Content Types for Unique Requirements

While the content types listed above may be common in healthcare organizations, your specific needs may require additional or custom content types. For example, you might need a content type for patient education materials, testimonials, or a data input for interactive tools, such as symptom checkers or calculators.

When creating custom content types, consider the unique characteristics and requirements of the content, and how it will be used and displayed. Be sure to consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure that your custom content types meet their needs and expectations.

Chapter 4

Defining Input Fields for Content Types

Form Clipboard Input Fields

Importance of Input Fields in Structured Content

Input fields are the building blocks of a content type. They define the specific pieces of data that content creators can input and manage. By establishing a consistent set of input fields for each content type, you enable several advantages. The content will be organized, easy to manage, and displayed consistently across your organization’s digital channels. The latter includes the API that third parties can use to fetch your content.

Input Types

Fields come in different flavors, which we call input types. These can be designed to accept various types of data, such as:

  • Text: Single-line or multi-line text fields for headings, intros, helpers, or other written content
  • Rich text: Text fields with formatting options, allowing content creators to apply styles like bold and italics, and insert lists and images
  • Images: Fields for uploading and managing images, including options for adding captions and alt text
  • Dates: Fields for inputting dates or date ranges, often presented with a calendar picker
  • Files: Fields for uploading and managing documents, such as PDFs
  • Selections: Drop-down menus, checkboxes, or radio buttons for selecting predefined options or categories
  • Relationships: Fields for linking content items to other content types, such as associating an article with its author. Also known as a “Selector”
  • Geography: Field for storing a GPS coordinate for map or address usage

For a more technical description of possible input types, see this list (in the menu) with examples from the Enonic platform.

Example Input Fields for Healthcare Content Types

Below are examples of input fields you might include in healthcare content types:

  • Summary: A multi-line text field for a brief description or overview of the content
  • Body text: A rich text field for the main content, including paragraphs, images, and other formatting options
  • Author: A relationship field that links the content item to its author, typically a staff profile content type
  • Date: A date field for specifying the publication date of the content item
  • Categories: A selection field for assigning the content item to one or more predefined categories, such as medical specialties or service lines
  • Tags: A text or selection field for adding keywords or phrases that further help categorize the content
  • Code: A field for taxonomy codes for unambiguous identification, like SNOMED CT
  • Image: An image field for uploading and managing images, including options for adding captions or alt text
  • Related content: A relationship field for linking the content item to other relevant content items, such as related articles, resources, or events
  • Medical condition: A field specifying the health condition or disease addressed by a clinical guideline or research summary. Preferably as a universally readable code as SNOMED CT or ICD
  • Target audience: Indicates whether the content is intended for healthcare professionals, patients, or the general public
  • Author credentials: A field capturing the education, certifications, and professional experience of the author providing professional advice or clinical recommendations
  • Last updated: An additional date field displaying when a research summary, news article, or clinical guideline was last updated. Ensures that users can access the most recent information
  • Drug classification: A field for categorizing medications based on their therapeutic use, mechanism of action, or chemical structure
  • Event format: Specifies the type of event. E.g. conference, webinar, or workshop, and whether it is in-person, virtual, or hybrid
  • Legal document type: A field for categorizing legal texts, such as statutes or regulations

Custom Input Fields for Unique Requirements

Your organization will most likely have unique content requirements that necessitate custom input fields. For example, you might need a field for video embed codes, patient age ranges, or treatment duration. When creating custom input fields, consider the specific data you need to capture and how it will be used and displayed. As with content types, consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure that your custom input fields meet their needs and expectations.

Chapter 5

Building Synergetic Content Models

Crane Construction

Principles of Content Reuse and Relationships

A synergetic content model focuses on:

  1. Maximizing content reuse
  2. Establishing meaningful relationships between content types

This approach not only improves content management efficiency. It also enhances the user experience by providing context and promoting visibility.

Key principles of content reuse and relationships include:

  • Modular content: Break content down into smaller, reusable pieces. Then combine and repurpose it in various meaningful ways
  • Linking related content: Establish relationships between content items. Provides context and helps users find relevant information
  • Centralizing shared information: Store information that is used in multiple places, like medical recommendations or categories, in a central location. Ensures consistency and ease of updates

Content Item Relationships

There are several types of relationships that can be established between content items:

  • Parent-child: This hierarchical relationship exists when one content item is a subset of another. Such as a section within a larger article or a step in a process
  • Sibling: Sibling relationships occur between content items that share a common parent or belong to the same category. Such as articles in the same series or related drugs
  • Many-to-many: Many-to-many relationships exist when content items are related to other content items. Such as linking articles to multiple authors or associating a recommendation with multiple tags

Example: Linking Clinical Guidelines with Authoring Committees

A healthcare organization publishes clinical guidelines, which are authored by committees of healthcare experts in various fields. These committees are responsible for reviewing the latest research, speaking with stakeholders, and writing evidence-based recommendations for patient care.

In this scenario, you could create two content types: “Clinical Guidelines” and “Committee Profiles.” The “Clinical Guidelines” content type could include input fields such as title, medical condition, target audience, summary, and publication date. The “Committee Profiles” content type could consist of fields like committee name, area of expertise, members (which again could link to items of a “Person” content type), member titles, and contact information.

To establish a relationship between these two content types, add a selector field in “Clinical Guidelines” to reference “Committee Profiles.” This allows users to easily access information about the committee responsible for each guideline. It also provides a seamless experience when navigating between related content items.

Incorporating Components in Content Modeling

When building a robust content model, it's essential to consider the role of components, which are visual building blocks used to create landing pages and templates. Components can range from basic elements, such as text blocks and images, to more advanced features like buttons, banners, or content lists. They play a crucial role in shaping the user experience and visual design of your content.

Understanding Components in Content Modeling

Components can be thought of as reusable pieces of content or design elements that can be combined in various ways to create unique page layouts and templates. Components are often configurable with buttons and switches. This means that you can e.g. add relations to content types, write text in specific fields, decide colors, and so on.

When creating a content model, it's important to identify the sort of components that will be most useful for your organization. You should also establish guidelines for their use, customization, and maintenance.

Examples of Components in Healthcare Content Modeling

  • List of guidelines: A component that displays a dynamic or static list of content items of the type “clinical guidelines.” Makes it easy for users to browse and access relevant information
  • News article content: A component designed to display the main content of a news article. This includes text, images, author, publish date, and multimedia, in a consistent and engaging format
  • Page layout: A component that controls the overall structure and design of a page. This can be column arrangements, background colors, and spacing between elements

Best Practices for Incorporating Components in Your Content Model

  • Define a component library: Create a library of reusable components that can be easily accessed and utilized by content creators and editors. This helps to maintain consistency in design and user experience across your website or application
  • Establish component guidelines: Develop guidelines for using components. This includes when to use specific components, how to customize them, and any restrictions or limitations that may apply. This ensures that components are used effectively and consistently throughout your content
  • Consider content-component relationships: When designing components, consider how they relate to and interact with content types. For example, a “List of guidelines” component might need to pull information from a “clinical guideline” content type, and display it in a specific format
  • Plan for component maintenance and updates: Regularly review and update components as needed to ensure they continue to meet the needs of your organization and users. This may involve adding new components, removing outdated ones, or making improvements to existing components based on user feedback and analytics

By incorporating components into your content model and following best practices, you can create a more dynamic, flexible, and visually appealing content experience for your healthcare organization's users.

Tips for Organizing Related Content

Here are some final tips to help users find and navigate related content:

  • Taxonomies: Use taxonomies like SNOMED CT to classify content items into categories or groups, such as medical specialties or service lines. This makes it easier for users to browse and discover related content
  • Metadata: Add metadata, such as tags or descriptive text, to content items to provide additional context and improve searchability
  • Cross-referencing: Use relationship fields to link content items to other related content items. Such as associating a clinical recommendation with validated sources. This can help patients explore related topics, and aid healthcare professionals in finding trustworthy references

Chapter 6

Implementing the Content Model in a CMS


Choosing the Right CMS for Your Healthcare Organization

A content management system (CMS) is a crucial tool for implementing your content model. It allows content creators to input, manage, and display content using the structure and relationships you have defined.

When choosing a CMS, consider factors such as:

  • Usability: The CMS should be user-friendly and intuitive for content creators with varying levels of technical expertise
  • Flexibility: The CMS should support structured content. It should allow you to create and modify content types, input fields, and relationships to fit your organization’s unique needs
  • Scalability: Choose a CMS that can grow and adapt to your organization’s evolving content requirements. That is in terms of environments, servers, traffic, integrations, and pricing
  • Security and compliance: Ensure that the CMS meets your organization’s security and regulatory requirements. Particularly if you handle sensitive health information
  • Integrations: The CMS should integrate seamlessly with other tools and systems used by your organization. Such as SNOMED CT, customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, or analytics tools

Configuring Content Types and Input Fields in Your CMS

Once you have chosen a CMS, your developers will need to configure your content types and input fields within the system.

This process will vary depending on the specific CMS, but generally involves:

  • Creating content types: Define each content type in your content model. Specify the input fields, relationships, and any default settings or configurations
  • Configuring input fields: Set up each input field for each content type. Specify the data type, validation rules, default values, and display options
  • Establishing relationships: Configure relationship fields to connect content items with related content types. Such as linking subsidies to legal texts or recommendations to drugs
  • Setting up taxonomies and metadata: Define your organization’s taxonomy structure and metadata fields within the CMS. This will help organize and categorize the content

Training Content Creators and Editors

To ensure that your content model is effectively implemented and maintained, it is essential to train content editors. They should learn how to use the CMS and follow best practices for creating and managing content.

Training and educational material should cover:

  • Navigating the CMS: Teach content editors how to access and navigate the CMS interface. Includes finding, creating, editing, and publishing content items
  • Content types and input fields: Explain the purpose and usage of each content type and input field. Emphasize the importance of consistency and accuracy when inputting data
  • Content relationships: Demonstrate how to establish and manage relationships between content items. Explain the benefits of linking related content
  • Taxonomies and metadata: Teach content editors how to apply taxonomies and metadata to content items. Explain that it is to improve organization, searchability, interoperability, machine readability, and user experience

Maintaining and Updating Your Content Model in the CMS

As your organization’s content requirements evolve, it is important to regularly review and update your content model in the CMS. Do this together with editors, developers, and other key stakeholders.

This maintenance process may involve:

  • Adding or modifying content types: Create new content types or update existing ones to reflect changes in your organization’s content requirements
  • Updating input fields: Add or modify input fields to capture new data. Or improve the structure and organization of existing content
  • Enhancing relationships: Update relationship fields to better connect related content items
  • Refining taxonomies and metadata: Review your taxonomy structure and metadata fields to ensure that content remains well-organized and easy to find

The Importance of APIs and Developer Involvement

Leveraging APIs in Content Modeling

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential in content modeling. They enable the seamless integration between your CMS and other systems or platforms. This makes sure that your content will always be accessible, up-to-date, and reusable across various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and third-party applications.

One popular choice for APIs in content modeling is GraphQL. This is a query language for APIs that offers several benefits, including:

  • Flexibility: GraphQL allows clients to request the exact data they need. It reduces the over- or under-fetching of information
  • Efficiency: By allowing multiple resources to be requested in a single query, GraphQL can reduce the number of requests needed. It can thus improve performance and minimize latency
  • Strong typing: GraphQL enforces a strict schema. It makes it easier to validate and catch errors before they reach production

Developer Involvement in Content Modeling

Developers play a critical role in content modeling. They are responsible for actually implementing the content model within the CMS. This includes configuring the APIs and creating custom components, templates, and other technical elements.

Involving the developers in the content modeling process ensures that the content model is technically feasible and optimized for performance, security, and scalability.

Best practices for developer involvement include:

  • Collaborate early and often: Engage developers from the beginning of the content modeling process. Make sure that their input is considered to identify potential technical challenges or limitations
  • Foster clear communication: Encourage open communication between content strategists, editors, and developers. Ensure that everyone is aligned with the goals, requirements, and constraints of the content model
  • Provide ongoing training and support: As content modeling is an ongoing process, make sure that the developers receive the necessary training. Also enable resources for them to stay up-to-date on best practices, industry trends, and emerging technologies

Chapter 7

Optimizing Content for Search and Accessibility

Search Engine Optimization Magnifying Glass Person

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Best Practices

To reach your target audience, your healthcare content must be easily discoverable through search engines. Implement the following SEO best practices to optimize your content:

  • Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for information. E.g. symptoms, treatments, or laws
  • On-page optimization: Insert keywords naturally into your content. This includes titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body text. Don’t force them in where they don’t organically fit!
  • Internal linking: Use internal links to connect related content items. This helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website
  • URL structure: Create clear and descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords. It should also accurately reflect the content of the page
  • Content quality: Focus on creating high quality, informative, and engaging content. It should provide value to your audience and demonstrate your organization’s expertise
  • Mobile-friendliness: Ensure that your content is easily accessible and readable on mobile devices. Search engines prioritize mobile friendly websites

Web Accessibility Best Practices

Making your content accessible to users with disabilities is not only the right thing to do, but also a legal requirement in many places. Follow these web accessibility best practices to make sure that all users can access your content:

  • Use of headings: Structure your content using appropriate heading levels (H1, h3, H3, etc.). This provides a clear hierarchy and navigation for users with screen readers
  • Alt text for images: Provide descriptive alternative texts for all images. Convey their meaning and purpose to users with visual impairments
  • Readable fonts and colors: Use legible fonts and sufficient color contrast. Make sure that your content is easy to read for users with visual impairments
  • Keyboard navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements on your website can be operated using a keyboard. E.g. links, buttons, and forms
  • Descriptive link text: Use descriptive link text that accurately conveys the purpose and destination of the link. Try to avoid generic phrases like “click here” or “learn more”
  • Video and audio transcripts: Provide transcripts or captions for video and audio to make it accessible to users with hearing impairments

Integrating SEO and Accessibility Into Your Content Model

To implement these SEO and accessibility best practices, you can integrate them into your content model:

  • Include relevant input fields: Add input fields for meta descriptions, alt text, captions, and other SEO and accessibility related data
  • Establish guidelines: Develop and communicate guidelines for content editors on how to create SEO and accessibility friendly content. This includes the use of keywords, headings, alt text, and internal links
  • Regular monitoring and updates: Regularly monitor your website’s SEO performance and accessibility compliance. Make updates to your content model as needed to address any issues or opportunities for improvement

Chapter 8

Measuring the Success of Your Content Model

Measure Worker Woman Measurement

Defining Success Metrics

While success metrics vary between organizations, we have gathered common KPIs here. To evaluate the effectiveness of your content model, it’s essential to define success metrics that align with your organization’s objectives. These may include:

  • User engagement: Track metrics such as page views, time on page, bounce rate, and social media shares. This shows how well your content is resonating with your audience
  • Conversion rates: Monitor conversion rates for specific actions. E.g. task feedbacks, newsletter sign-ups, appointment bookings, or resource downloads. Measure the impact of your content on your organization’s goals
  • Search rankings: Track your website’s search engine rankings for targeted keywords to assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts
  • Accessibility compliance: Regularly audit your website for accessibility compliance and address any issues

Analyzing Data and Identifying Trends

Collect and analyze data related to your success metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. This may involve:

  • Using analytics: Leverage web analytics tools to track and analyze user behavior, engagement, and conversion data
  • Conducting keyword analysis: Regularly review your keyword rankings and search traffic to identify opportunities for content optimization
  • Evaluating accessibility: Use accessibility evaluation tools to monitor your website’s compliance with accessibility standards

Adapting and Refining Your Content Model

Based on your analysis of success metrics and trends, adapt and refine your content model to improve its effectiveness. This may involve:

  • Updating content types and input fields: Modify existing content types or add new ones to better align with user needs
  • Enhancing relationships and organization: Improve the relationships between content items and refine your taxonomy structure. This makes your content more discoverable and user friendly
  • Optimizing content for search and accessibility: Update your content and input fields to better support SEO and accessibility best practices
  • Providing feedback and training: Share insights and trends with content editors. This helps them make data driven decisions and improve their content creation skills

Continuous Improvement

Keep monitoring your content model and make adjustments to ensure that it remains effective and aligned with your organization’s goals. This process of ongoing improvement will help you maintain a robust and user centric content model that drives results for your healthcare organization.

Chapter 9

Case Studies

Podium Doctor Case Study

Introduction to Case Studies

The following case studies illustrate how different healthcare organizations can successfully implement content models to improve their content management. These examples, although fictional, can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own content model implementation.

Case Study 1: Large Hospital System Streamlines Content Management

  • Background: A large hospital faced challenges managing their vast library of digital content. This included outdated information, inconsistent formats, and difficulties in maintaining content
  • Content model implementation: The hospital developed a structured content model that included standardized content types, input fields, and relationships. They also crafted guidelines for creating and maintaining content
  • Results: The new content model streamlined the content management process, and reduced the time and effort required to update content. It also improved the overall quality and consistency of information available to patients and healthcare providers

Case Study 2: Medical Research Organization Improves Content Discoverability

  • Background: A medical research organization struggled with low user engagement. Users also have a difficult time locating relevant content on their website due to a lack of structure
  • Content model implementation: The organization implemented a new and robust content model. This included taxonomies, metadata, and relationship fields to better connect related content items
  • Results: The improved content model enhanced the user experience by making content more discoverable and easy to navigate. This lead to increased user engagement, resource downloads, and research citations

Case Study 3: Health Insurance Company Optimizes Content for Search and Accessibility

  • Background: A health insurance company aimed to improve its online presence and make its content more accessible to users with disabilities
  • Content model implementation: The company integrated SEO and accessibility best practices into its content model. They added relevant input fields, established guidelines for content creation, and conducted regular audits to ensure compliance
  • Results: The optimized content model led to improved search rankings, increased website traffic, and a more inclusive user experience for individuals with disabilities

Lessons Learned from Case Studies

These simple case studies demonstrate the potential benefits of implementing a well-designed content model in healthcare organizations. Key lessons learned include:

  • The importance of standardization: Consistent content types, input fields, and guidelines can streamline content management and improve quality
  • The value of organization and relationships: Robust taxonomies, metadata, and relationship fields can enhance content discoverability and UX
  • The necessity of optimization: Integrating SEO and accessibility best practices into your content model can help your content reach a wider audience. It can also provide a more inclusive experience
  • The need for continuous improvement: Regularly monitor and update your content model to ensure it is aligned with user needs and your organization’s goals

Chapter 10


Trophy Conclusion Winner

Recap of Key Concepts

Throughout this guide, we have explored the importance of content modeling in healthcare organizations and how to create a structured, efficient, and effective content model. Key concepts covered include:

  • Identify content types: Determine the various content types your organization uses, such as articles, guidelines, and author profiles
  • Define input fields for content types: Establish specific input fields for each content type to ensure a consistent and structured data entry
  • Build synergetic content models: Create relationships between content types to facilitate content reuse and enhance UX
  • Implement content models in a CMS: Choose a CMS that meets your organization’s needs and configure your content model within the system
  • Optimize content for search and accessibility: Integrate SEO and accessibility best practices into your content model to reach a wider audience and provide an inclusive UX
  • Measure the success of your content model: Define success metrics, analyze data, and refine your content model based on insights and trends

The Benefits of a Well Implemented Content Model

A well implemented content model can provide numerous benefits for healthcare organizations, including:

  • Improved content management processes: A structured content model streamlines the process of creating and maintaining content
  • Enhanced content quality and consistency: Consistent content types and input fields help maintain a high level of quality and uniformity across all content items
  • Better content discoverability and user experience: Organizing content through relationships, taxonomies, and metadata makes it easier for users to find and navigate relevant content
  • Increased reach and inclusivity: Optimizing content for search engines and accessibility helps your organization reach a wider audience and provide a more inclusive UX

Moving Forward with Your Content Model

As you move forward with implementing your content model, remember to:

  • Involve stakeholders: Engage content editors, developers, and other stakeholders in the process to ensure buy-in and support
  • Train and educate: Provide training and resources to help content editors understand and adhere to your content model’s guidelines
  • Continuously improve: Regularly review and update your content model based on success metrics, user feedback, and evolving organizational needs

By following the principles and best practices outlined in this guide, you will be well-equipped to develop and implement a new and robust content model. This model will help your healthcare organization achieve its goals and provide valuable, accessible, and engaging content for your audience.

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Healthcare Content Modeling 101 is a collaboration between Enonic and Conteir.

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